Church of Christ – There is a difference.

Date: February 26, 2017

This series of messages on the church will seek to present a New Testament portrait of the church Jesus built. The series will answer such questions as: 

  • What is the church of Christ? 
  • How do churches of Christ differ from other evangelical churches? 
  • How is the church related to salvation? 
  • How does God want the church to worship? 
  • How does the Lord’s Supper relate to the Lord’s Day?
  • What roles does God have for men and women in the church?
  • How is the church to be organized? 
  • What are some misunderstandings people have about the churches of Christ?
  • 7 Reasons Why We Sing

Using the Bible as our guide, we will explore the teaching of Scripture pertaining to the church of the New Testament.